Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

Been busy busy as usual for this time of year. Big things are on the horizon for me and my family and through the grace and the will of God shall we achieve it. More to come on that later though. As I sit here at work and get ready to watch the NCAA National Championship game something just hits me. Why can't we get that many Christians in a arena yelling and screaming and cheering on Jesus. I mean we all should be in that position, yelling, screaming, and cheering for Christ and spreading his word. Why can't we get that many people in one place. Now I am not saying that it can't or has not happened. I am sure my buddy Doug Compton has seen areas and auditoriums filled with Christians craving to hear the word and that is awesome. Heck, I was blown away and what it looked and felt like to have 85 at our church on Easter Sunday just a day ago. My point being here, which may be a clear as mud, is why is it so hard to get that many Christians together and pass the word on about Christ and bring a few lost to our great Lord. Just my thought for the night. Pray hard and put everything in Christ and He will provide. God Bless and Love you all.

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